Other Spaces

Other Spaces (2008 - ongoing) is a collection of artworks including photographs, sculptural installations, performance, moving image, and fabric works.
“I don’t believe in Perfection. I acheived it under a certain system, but there was plenty of room for developing that system”. Nadia Comaneci (first perfect 10 score in Olympic history, Montreal 1976)
This study of elite gymnasts in training and competition, explores what is required to produce a perfect performance, gently probing how ideas of perfection shape personal and national identities, as well as social and political systems. Drawing on historic ideas of perfect form and ideal societies, through elemental geometry and the work of Plato and the Constructivists, Longhurst provides an original visual perspective on gymnastics, unconcerned with narrative, or the idea of a literal document. Longhurst is not interested in the perfect shot, or the ‘decisive moment’. Instead she creates a body of work fusing imposing material structures with what might be described as flawed images, to challenge the confines of a white cube gallery presentation, and to make art that conveys something of our current lived experience.
First shown as a solo exhibition in 2012 at Mostyn, Llandudno, Other Spaces continues to evolve as new works are added.
The 128 page hardback catalogue designed by Smith [now GOST] has a foreward by David Drake and Alfredo Cramerotti, an essay by Sara Knelman, and an artist interview with Charlotte Cotton. Published by Cornerhouse / Ffotogallery in partnership with Mostyn, 2012.
Other Spaces has been made possible through the generous support of AIMIA; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; Arts Council England; Arts Council Wales; Bangor Gymnastics Club, British Council; British Gymnastics; Festival 2018; European Centre for Photographic Research; Ffotogallery; Gemini Gymnastics, Oshawa; John Kobal Foundation; Heathrow Gymnastic Club; Leverhulme Trust; Mostyn, Llandudno; National Media Museum, Bradford; Pavilion, Leeds; The Photographers’ Gallery, London; The Welsh Junior Gymnastics Squad, Whitechapel Gallery; and the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships.
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