The Queen’s Stud

stereoscopic projection and print, various media and dimensions
shot 2001, produced 2002, 2003, 2008
Exhibited in The Refusal, Museum Folkwang, Essen, 2008 [framed digital c-print with stereo glasses]; Jo Longhurst I The Refusal, RCA, London 2008 [framed digital c-print with stereo glasses]; Auslander, Dahl Gallery of Contemporary Art, Lucerne, 2003 [large projected version: two 35mm slide projectors, shift lenses, polarisers, polarised canvas and glasses, 147cm x 118cm]; Longhurst, Playford, Summers, Whitehall, Hockney Gallery, London, 2002 [small projected version: original Hawk IV 35mm stereo projector, polarised board and glasses, shown here]
Published in Meat Magazine: Issue 8, Birds & Beasts, September 2009; The Refusal, Steidl, 2008; Whippet Diary, a 72 page inkjet workbook with stereo glasses, 2002