Still, Solent Showcase, Above Bar, Southampton, 18th November 2013 — 11th January 2014
Curated by Sara Roberts and John Gillett. Artists: Toby Glanville, Jo Longhurst, Mary Maclean, Melanie Manchot, Clare Strand, Gillian Wearing.
Through the work of contemporary British artists, the exhibition focuses on moments of stillness: of repose following exertion, of poise, bearing, balance and control; of space; absence; silence. It is intended to be post-Olympic – a shift from the Olympic focus on physical prowess, activity and exertion, comprising video, photography and installation from British artists, made between the 1990s and the present.
Work exhibited: Space-Force Construction No. 1 (United States of America), Space-Force Construction No. 2 (China), Space-Force Construction No. 3 (India), 6 photographs set in powder-coated aluminium structures.