to accompany the exhibition Tier-Werden, Mensch-Werden [Becoming Animal, Becoming Human], nGbK, Berlin, 9 May – 14 June 2009
Artists: Eija-Liisa Ahtila (FI), Catherine Bell (AU), Marcus Coates (GB), Kathy High (US), John Isaacs (GB/DE), Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid (US/RU), Angela Köntje and Peter Frey (DE), Daniel Lee (TW/US), Jo Longhurst (GB), Reiner Maria Matysik (DE), Aurelia Mihai (RO/DE), Patricia Piccinini (AU), Iris Schieferstein (DE), Deborah Sengl (AT), Jana Sterbak (CA)
With essays by Donna J Haraway and Steve Baker, and a contextual text on Sighthound by Jessica Ullrich.
ISBN 978-3-9812935-0-0